Pasang Menara BTN di Menara Masjid

Jakarta - Sejumlah menara masjid di Indonesia akan dipasangi Based Transceiver Station (BTS) oleh 3 perusahaan telepon seluler. Hal itu dilakukan menyusul penandatanganan nota kesepahaman (MoU) antara Dewan Masjid Indonesia dengan Smart Telecom, Indosat, dan Mobile 8.

Acara penandatanganan MoU berlangsung di sela-sela Rapat Pimpinan Nasional Dewan Masjid Indonesia, di Gedung II, Kantor Wapres, Jl Medan Merdeka Selatan, Jakpus, Jumat (27/2/2009).

Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla yang hadir dalam penandatanganan menyambut baik kerja sama di bidang telekomunikasi tersebut. Menurutnya, pihak masjid juga sangat bisa diandalkan bagi akuntabilitas pengaturan keuangan nantinya.

"Tidak pernah kita dengar pengurus masjid diperiksa KPK. Kalau negara diatur seperti itu, saya kira tidak akan ada masalah. Karena (kalau di masjid) ada pengeluaran sedkit saja diumumkan, bahkan ditempel," tuturnya.

Sumber :

Jakarta - A number of mosques in the tower will be Based been transceiver Station (BTS) by 3 mobile phone company. This is done following a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Board of Masjid India with Smart Telecom, Indosat, and Mobile 8.

The event took place in the signing of MoU between the Board Meetings of the Board of the National Mosque of Indonesia, in Building II, the Vice President Office, Jl Medan Merdeka Selatan, Jakpus, Friday (27/2/2009).

Vice President Jusuf Kalla is present in the signing of the good cooperation in the field of telecommunications. According to him, the mosque is also very reliable accountability for the financial future.

"I never heard that we review the management of the mosque KPK. If the country is set like that, I think there will be no problem. Because (if in the mosque) there is only announced sedkit expenditure, even ditempel," he said.

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