10 Besar Ponsel Di Amerika

Blackberry Curve menduduki peringkat teratas sepuluh penjualan terlaris ponsel cerdas di AS pada Januari 2009. Mengalahkan angka penjualan Apple iPhone, posisi puncak tersebut kemungkinan besar masih bisa bertahan hingga usainya bulan Februari.

Laporan Avian Research mengatakan, jumlah penjualan Blackberry Curve mampu mengalahkan Apple iPhone di penjualan ritel ponsel cerdas selama periode Januari 2009 ini. Sesuai urutan yang dipublikasikan di situs Blackberry Cool milik komunitas pengguna Blackberry, Research In Motion (RIM) memproduksi tiga dari sepuluh produk peringkat teratas yang terjual laku di ritel-ritel AS, yaitu BlackBerry Curve, BlackBerry Storm, serta BlackBerry Bold.

Daftar sepuluh peringkat atas penjualan ponsel cerdas tersebut antara lain:

  1. BlackBerry Curve
  2. Apple iPhone
  3. BlackBerry Storm
  4. LG Voyager
  5. LG Dare
  6. BlackBerry Bold
  7. Samsung Rant
  8. Samsung Behold
  9. Samsung Instinct
  10. LG Env2

Menurut pihak Avian Research, pengurutan 10 teratas Avian Research tersebut berdasarkan survei terhadap 100 manajer ritel dan perwakilan penjualan dari toko-toko ritel milik AT & T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint, serta T-Mobile. Survei pun hanya diberlakukan pada sistem direct sales, tidak untuk kategori penjualan secara online, tangan kedua, pemesanan via e-mail atau kanal-kanal penjualan lainnya.

Sementara itu, pihak Avian memastikan, di saat RIM merilis Blackberry Curve 8900 yang sudah cukup lama dinanti kehadirannya pada awal bulan ini, BlackBerry Curve tetap memiliki kemungkinan besar memimpin penjualan dengan sama bagusnya pada Maret nanti. Namun, riset penjualan Avian tersebut belum akan memasukkan seri BlackBerry Curve 8900.

Data Avian melaporkan, pasar ponsel cerdas RIM di AS pada 2008 saja cenderung mengalami peningkatan. Tercatat, dari 40,4 persen di kuartal ketiga naik hingga 47,5 persen di kuartal keempat.

Peningkatan itu terjadi di saat pasar produk Apple tengah menurun, dari 30,1 persen di kuartal ketiga menukik ke angka 22,3 persen di kuartal keempat. Kiranya angka tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa banyaknya penjualan iPhone Apple yang turun di kuartal keempat mencapai sebanyak 4,36 juta iPhone.


Blackberry Curve was ranked the top ten sales terlaris smart phone in the U.S. in January 2009. Beat Apple iPhone sales numbers, the position of the peak is most likely still be able to survive usainya February.

Reports Avian Research, said the amount of the sale of Blackberry Curve is able to beat Apple in the iPhone smart phone retail sales during this period of January 2009. Appropriate sequence published on the site owned by Cool Blackberry user community Blackberry, Research In Motion (Rim) to produce three of the top ten ranking of the products sold in retail behavior-retail U.S., the BlackBerry Curve, BlackBerry Storm and BlackBerry Bold.

List of top ten ranking of smart phone sales are:

1. BlackBerry Curve
2. Apple iPhone
3. BlackBerry Storm
4. LG Voyager
5. LG Dare
6. BlackBerry Bold
7. Samsung rant
8. Samsung Behold
9. Samsung instinct
10. LG Env2

According to the Avian Research, pengurutan top 10 Avian Research based on a survey of 100 retail managers and sales representatives from the retail stores owned by AT & T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint, and T-Mobile. Surveys are only applied in the direct sales system, is not for sale online, second hand, order via e-mail or canal other sales.

Meanwhile, the Avian ensure, at the Rim Blackberry Curve 8900 releases that have been long enough dinanti attendance at the beginning of this month, BlackBerry Curve still have most likely led the sales with the same good in March next. However, research has yet to Avian sale will include BlackBerry Curve 8900 series.

Avian reported data, rim smart phone market in the U.S. in 2008 are likely to have increased. Noted, from 40.4 percent in the third quarter increased to 47.5 percent in the fourth quarter.

The increase has occurred in the middle of the market Apple products decreased, from 30.1 percent in the third quarter numbers dip to 22.3 percent in the fourth quarter. Presumably the number indicates that the number of sales down the Apple iPhone in the fourth quarter to reach as many as 4.36 million iPhone.

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